Use folk remedies to clean the body of parasites

Fresh herbs clean the body of parasites

Worm infections, trichomoniasis infections, the presence of Langerella bacteria in the body-all these health problems in the modern world can be solved in a short time by synthetically sourced high-efficiency drugs and traditional medical methods.

There are many ways to prevent helminthiasis, allowing you to choose the most suitable method according to the overall health and age of the infected person.

The doctor may prescribe some medicine to kill the parasites. However, it often happens that the chemical ingredients in its ingredients will have a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract, and many contraindications and side effects cannot inspire people's confidence. It is worth using folk methods to remove parasites at home, especially because there are many parasites, and this effect has been proven by more than a generation.

Preparations for cleaning the body of the parasite

To clean the body of parasitic microorganisms, doctors use various modern anthelmintics:

  • Synthetic anthelmintic.They are based on chemical composition. For many of them, the pathogen develops resistance, which reduces the effectiveness of the cure. Their role not only destroys microorganisms, but also negatively affects human tissues and organs. These drugs are highly toxic.
  • natural medicine.The various parts of the plant are the basis for the production of this group of drugs. They can eliminate, fix the worms and remove them from the body without causing pain and suffering. The medicine is safe to use and has no side effects. When they are used, they have achieved excellent results in fighting worms. They are not addicted.
  • Homeopathy.These are natural preparations of plant, animal and mineral origin, made according to special formulas. Homeopathic treatment is universal and expressed in the selection of appropriate corrective procedures.

After a specific type of helminthiasis is diagnosed, cleaning can only be done by the attending doctor. For this reason, various anthelmintics are prescribed using drug therapy.

The doctor prescribed and adjusted many antiparasitic drugs. Taking into account the type of worm and the age category of the patient, the treatment of each patient will be considered individually. It is not recommended to remove unwanted microorganisms independently.

Medicine to cleanse internal parasites

Eliminate worms at home

You can fight worms yourself at home and use a variety of methods immediately to improve the cleaning effect. Worm control can be done in many ways.

To do this, use:

  • Soak 10 grams of chopped oak bark in 200 milliliters of boiling water for several hours. It is taken on an empty stomach.
  • Herbal tea is made from chamomile and sea buckthorn bark (1: 1) in the pharmacy, and it is drunk after six hours.
  • Use a thermos to brew dried inflorescence whiteheads, medicinal chamomile, oak bark, and St. John's wort in half a liter of boiling water. Used for deworming.
  • Brew with pomegranate peel and consume one teaspoon three times before meals. Do not exceed the dose.
  • Put medium-sized onions in a vacuum flask containing 200 ml of boiling water. Infusion can eliminate worms.
  • Use horse fire decoction to clean the intestines in the intestines.
  • The white birch leaf soup and lilac flower lac cooked in a water bath can effectively cure the worms.
  • Mix 20 grams of horseradish and garlic with half a liter of vodka. Stay in a dark corner for 10 days. They are filtering. Calculate the receiving volume with 25 ml twice a day.
  • Boil 1 tablespoon of celandine and 2 gooseberry leaves, marigold flowers, cobblestone, and wood in a water bath, stick, and filter. Eat for 10 days in the morning and before dinner. The effectiveness of the drug increases with simultaneous consumption of alcohol increases from fungus mushrooms.

If you are on a diet during this period, cleaning through alternative medicine methods will be greatly accelerated.

Clean the body according to the professor's method

Cleaning the large and small intestines of parasites includes a series of treatment measures and prevention of invasion. Most types of worms live in the gastrointestinal tract. First, the body must be cleaned from the intestine naturally.

There are many modern methods in this regard. The most effective method is to teach the developed technique.

The hypothesis of removing worms is that the scum of the human body is the main cause of all human diseases. The professor questioned colleagues' judgments about the benefits of holding health events in spring and autumn. His method is not designed to eliminate pests in infected organs, but to provide a comprehensive cleansing of the body.

important:The professor recommends cleaning at home in the following order:

  • Intestines.
  • liver.
  • kidney.
  • joint
  • vessel.

The doctor guarantees that cleaning the organs with herbs is one of the main parts of the cure. In addition to the main treatment, alternative antiparasitic methods in the form of herbal tea and herbal tea will help to achieve positive results in the shortest possible time.

Use herbs to remove internal parasites

Folk remedies for parasites

Anti-parasitic tablets are often used. However, in the practice of infectious disease experts, multiple effective methods are often used as adjuvant therapy at the same time:

  • Lilac and flax.Mix 10 grams of powdered flaxseed and 1 gram of cloves. Take one teaspoon on an empty stomach for three consecutive days. Then rest for three days, and then receive again. This alternation takes place within a month.
  • coconut.Coconut flakes are diluted with coconut milk. The medicine for worms is stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life is two days. You can use it for babies. Reception plan: within a week, three meals a day, children's rice spoon, adult dining room, before meals. Then came a two-week break and the second course.
  • chili.This vegetable will destroy poisonous organisms. It is raw food and seasoning added to the daily diet of adults. It is forbidden to treat children in this way.
  • radish.Its sap, seeds and roots all have anti-worm effects. They eat pure vegetables, make decoctions from seeds, and drink 50 ml of freshly prepared fresh vegetables every morning and evening.
  • onion.Pour the chopped small onions into 250 ml of boiling water for half a day. It is filtered. They drank 50 ml once for three consecutive days.
  • garlic.It can be used to set enemas and suppositories. For this, use a decoction in water or milk. A candle made of cotton wool and bandages is immersed in the solution and injected into the rectum for 20 minutes. Take an enema before going to bed.
  • walnut.4 tablespoons l. Pour the finely divided corn kernels into brackish boiling water, let it sit for 30 minutes, filter it with a bandage, and drink it all day long. Take laxatives.
  • pumpkin seeds.The most common and affordable folk remedy for worms. On their basis, prepare anthelmintics and decoctions. They are eaten in pure form or with honey.
  • Watermelon diced.Pour the chopped watermelon seeds and mineral water for eight hours. Drink at least six times a day and add honey to every half a cup.
  • endive.Mix equal amounts of wild mountain ash, buckwheat and cornflower (spoiled) leaves on the roadside, pour half a liter of water, and boil for 15 minutes in a water bath. Drink 50ml a week before meals.

Every patient has the right to choose one or another treatment for worms, but it is best after medical advice.

Herbal tea to remove internal parasites

Clean with baking soda

Clean the intestines with baking soda. This is an effective folk method that normalizes the acid-base balance. In case of gastrointestinal discomfort caused by powerful microorganisms, it is recommended to take baking soda in the form of a solution or drink half a cup of water dry.

for your information.Soda solution is used for enema. In this way, it is possible to eliminate up to 75% of mature worms and destroy larvae, thereby reducing the toxicity of important functional products of pests.

To remove the pest’s intestines with a soda solution, it must be rinsed with a clean enema before the treatment procedure. The intestinal flora after enema can return to normal in a short time. Baking soda helps eliminate any type of worms quickly and effectively.

Purified according to the author's method

The author's anti-parasitic program is based on the alternate use of drugs that remove worms from the body and perform enema treatments.

The prerequisite for this procedure is that there is a break between the cleansing enema and the duration of the procedure is adhered to. It is divided into three cycles.

  • First cycleProvides a method to remove single cells, nematodes and ces. Wormwood was injected twice a day for excretion, and the dosage (100 ml) was strictly followed. If overdose, it may cause central nervous system disease. This therapy is contraindicated during pregnancy. Boil 2. 9 grams of raw materials with boiling water (200 ml) for 30 minutes, then filter with cheesecloth.

Before using the infusion set, the enema must be put together with the garlic solution prepared as follows each time. Pour a few small pieces of chopped vegetables into a glass of water and leave it for a day. They screened and performed procedures for three consecutive days, and then rested for five days.

  • In the second timeSmall but surviving large pathogens will leave the body. Injecting insect repellent helps to cleanse the body: sea buckthorn peel, oak bark, front sand in a teaspoon and a tablespoon of whitehead flowers, and pour one liter of boiling water in a thermos.

At the same time, chop up 300 grams of pumpkin seeds until they are mushy. Drink alcohol and sing with the prepared infusion. After half an hour, drink Epsom salt in the form of a solution. After another hour, squirm to rinse off the water. Enema should be three times a week, three times a day. Then rest for 14 days. At this time, you should stick to your diet.

  • Third cycleTurn to cleansing the liver. For this, please use lemon juice and olive oil, which have a strong bile effect and help eliminate remaining parasites.

This method is a gentle method suitable for people of all ages.

Folk remedies to eliminate internal parasites

Clean according to the doctor's method

Experts recommend using the most effective folk remedies to clean the body:

  • Garlic can kill all types of parasites.
  • Castor oil can remove worms and their waste from the intestines.
  • Baking soda helps reduce stomach acidity and eliminate bacteria.

Wash with garlic (Genghis Khan method). This method is to swallow the chopped garlic at night without chewing. This process can be performed in two ways:

  1. First.After a few hours in the evening, eat sauerkraut (two tablespoons), sauerkraut or apples, then garlic (glass), and wash with brine or juice from vegetables or apples. The next day, they only eat sauerkraut, kimchi and kimchi. In the evening of this day, enema with chamomile solution (2 liters), add apple cider vinegar (15 ml) and sea salt (25 g).
  2. second.The course lasts for 30 days. The evening ration corresponds to the first option. You need to start with small vegetables onions, and then gradually reach the required dose.

After surgery, it is recommended to use fermented milk dishes and intake of probiotics and prebiotics to normalize the flora.

Castor oil cleans. Using this method, castor oil was consumed for a week at bedtime. The dose is calculated as one gram of oil per kilogram of weight. Wash with juice. At the same time, they cleaned the intestines continuously for 10 days in this way:

  • A few hours later in the evening, they ate 10 grams of dill fruit with honey and washed them with water.
  • Three hours later, they drank 30 milliliters of castor oil.
  • Before going to bed, suppositories are used rectally.
  • Take 1 three-in-one capsule three times a day.

Clean with soda water. The professor suggested two methods for cleaning with baking soda:

  • Oral-a solution (5 grams per 200 ml of water) a quarter of an hour before meals, once a day, three times a week.
  • Rectal-a soda solution for enema (12 grams per 250 ml of water), placed every night before going to bed for a week.

Garlic application

This is one of the most common folk remedies for parasites, used in many forms:

  • Garlic and honey.Ingredients: 300 grams of garlic; 0. 5 kilograms of honey. Grind, mix with honey, and place in a water bath for half an hour. The reception time of 30 minutes before meals is designed to be four times, using tablespoons.
  • Garlic juice.Drink fresh juice 3 times a day. It is recommended to drink with absinthe wormwood solution, or with honey. Reception plan: 5 days, 10 drops each time, then 5 days, 20 drops each time. Every five days, increase the number of drops ten times until you get two tablespoons. Treatment should be performed within three months, reducing the dose to 10 drops.

important:It is recommended to take the medicine prescribed by the doctor while cleaning the body. This is due to the fact that garlic cannot independently deal with all types of worms and remove their dead from the human body.

Garlic cleans the body of parasites

Patient testimonials

  • The first comment: "On the advice of a doctor, helminthiasis is treated by taking cognac with castor oil. Before the treatment, I only ate fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. In the evening, I took an antiparasitic agent. I took the brandy very hard with castor oil-headache and severe nausea all night. But the result in the morning was immediate: the first batch of worms started to leave my body and the treatment process lasted 3 days. "
  • Second comment: "The plant therapist advised me to take dry wormwood for three days. At first I didn’t know why, but after the worm came out, my health improved. As a result, we ourselves didn’t know what happened to us. . "
  • The third comment: "When I was young, my mother often gave my sister and me an anthelmintic, which is not only used to treat helminthiasis, but also to prevent diseases. The drug has no strong toxic effect on the body and can effectively fight our bodies. Extra guests. "
  • The fourth comment: "I am looking for an effective and gentle treatment for ass worm disease. Friends suggested that I do soda cleaning. The comments about its effects are very positive. On this basis, I prepared an enema solution. After that, I prepared an enema solution. After 3 operations, my health improved and the worms started to leave my natural world.

Herbs, vegetables, castor oil, baking soda and medicine can quickly and effectively eliminate any type of pests.

In this case, the effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct treatment. Therefore, it is recommended to start treating worms by seeing a doctor.